Ch OpenAL Package

Ch OpenAL Package is Ch interface to OpenAL. Ch is a C/C++ interpretive freely available from htpp:// Ch OpenAL Package allows OpenAL applications runs in Ch windows platform without compilation. Ch OpenAL Package includes the source code for building the binding to OpenAL.

Release Notes

Ch OpenAL Package version 3.0, Jan 23, 2006
Ch OpenAL Package version 2.0, Jan 06, 2006
Ch OpenAL Package version 1.0, July 22, 2004

System Requirements

       Ch Standard or Professional Edition version or higher.
       Ch is available from SoftIntegration, Inc. at
       Ch OpenAL is known to work with OpenAL version 0.0.8 for Unix
       and OpenAL SDK 1.0 for Windows. It may work with earlier versions.
       The Windows Ch OpenAL binary package is built using OpenAL SDK 1.0
       OpenAL SDK kit available at OpenAL SDK